Happy Release Day Jane Anthony!

This story shows a story of undying love and flaws with a strong couple! I love Kat and Chase from “Pretty Reckless” and reading the continuation of their story shows how they aren’t perfect and are made for each other and pick each other up! I love Chase even more with his determination to get sober and how Kat won’t give up on him! Truly a powerful story that’ll have you cheering for their HEA!

Buy Links: $0.99 Limited Time Release Price/Kindle Unlimited

Amazon US: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.google.com/url?q%3Dhttps://amzn.to/2J4uZXB%26amp;sa%3DD%26amp;ust%3D1522673758729000&sa=D&ust=1522673758769000&usg=AFQjCNHd8EE2L08-FEvOCHXDRUk91hRNtw